
Monday, July 8, 2013

Katniss EverGnome Begins!

I don't know why I start things on Monday - I don't even (usually) work on Mondays! That's why these posts are always late!

So here's your first clue for "The Hunt for Katniss EverGnome" game, Week 1. There will be another clue on Wednesday, and another on Friday. Your mission is to find where Katniss is hiding, go get her, and bring her to the circ desk at the Richmond Library. (just so you know, she is flat like Flat Stanley in this game!) She can be hiding anywhere in Marlborough, a.k.a. the Arena! It's likely you won't find her based on the first clue - just start thinking about a location.
Clue #1: Where she will end is where she starts.

Now on to our "Found in the Ground" game, Week 2.
Clue for Week #2:
Three words complete the answer to this one. This heavenly body of water is found at the bottom of one of our nation's most popular tourist destinations. It's actually found on the North side of another large body of water that runs thru the famous place.

If you need Week #1, go here:

Also, there are still a few spots in Wednesday's Doodle Art class! 6:30pm. Call or go to to register.

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